So Many Vs!
By now I am sure some of you have seen or at least heard of the Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash commercial. It’s the one where a heterosexual couple is in the bathroom getting ready for the day; the woman is doing her make up, gabbing about something then she notices that her partner is washing his whole body with her Summer’s Eve Cleansing Wash. A wash specifically made for a woman’s “V”- as the woman kindly reminds her partner and the viewers. He then freaks out and runs around doing as many manly things he can: making a metal gladiators helmet, mowing the lawn with said helmet, and drinking a beed watching football.
What totally natural reaction to washing your body. You know when I wash with those man soaps I freak out too and run around doing as many feminine things I can: painting my nails, doing palates and of course, drown my sorrows in shopping! Hello!
Honestly though, the whole gender stereotype of the sexes is just one of the many flaws found within that commercial. Another factor that makes women and feminists alike angered is the lack of the use of the word: Vagina. As a sex educator myself, not using the word to describe a specific body part is disheartening and demonstrates the need to reinvigorate society’s lack of knowledge about their bodies and even being comfortable using expressions to describe these certain body parts.
Really? This photo? Give me a break…
My own personal reason I can not stand this commercial is the huge problem of getting the “V” all mixed up in what we are really talking about. The “V” isn’t even the portion of the body that is being washed by this product- it’s the vulva, the outside portion of the woman’s reproductive system. The vagina is the portion that is the entry way or tunnel to the cervix and ovaries. You shouldn’t even be washing the vagina because it is self regulating for a reason, to keep you clean and happy!
So if you do buy or use products aimed at your various lady bits, please remember this: wash the vulva, stay away from the vagina! Happy cleaning!