Therapy, Feminism, Writing

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Debut Authors

Happy International Women’s day, y’all! To celebrate Authors ’18, a group of rising stars in the publishing industry, put together a list of books featuring a strong female lead. These titles focus on changing the stereotypical view of what it means to be a woman, and all the while showcasing stories of triumph for the… Read More Celebrating International Women’s Day with Debut Authors

Therapy, Feminism, Archives

Paleo for Unicorns

Paleo For Unicorns: Eat the Patriarchy I have a long standing history with Microcosm Publishing so when they suggested I take a look at their up and coming cookbook, I didn’t hesitate. Paleo for Unicorns: Eat the Patriarchy delivers everything a health nut and feminist could want out of their diet… and then some. So what… Read More Paleo for Unicorns