Dawn Among the Stars: Cover Reveal
Over the last few months I’ve teased the Dawn Among the Stars cover and other cool info about Space. Now, in all it’s glory I have the cover to share with you!
For the cover I wanted it to be intriguing and capture the awe of Space. After all, just like in the book, there is so much we don’t know about it and what awaits for us on the other side could be anything. Are the Shielders, the first alien race to reach Earth, the kind of Species we want to get involved with, or are they playing a game we don’t yet understand?
And who’s ship is that in the middle of the cover?
Your guess is as good as mine, friend! But I hope you purchase the book to see how it all unfolds. There’s adventure, love, kick-ass characters, and mystery as Kayin, Henry, and Melissa try to stay alive and keep Earth under the protection of Human Governments.
Can you believe that in just a little over a month you’ll be able to get your hands on Dawn Among the Stars? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Even though I’m extremely nervous to share my work, I’m excited too. To say this is a passion project doesn’t really come close to how hard I’ve worked to get this baby into your hands. With the countless edits and rewrites, I think Dawn is in the best shape of her life and ready to be loved by you, my dear reader.
From here on out I’ll be sharing with you tidbits from the book, exclusive giveaways, and behinds the scenes content leading up to the release on May 21st! I hope you’ll join me on this crazy adventure and remember, keep reaching for the stars!