One of my favorite authors to watch is, Dr. Faith Harper. Not only is she an author like me, she’s also a therapist and sexologist. In my opinion, her thoughts on helping clients through issues, is one to not only watch, but to emulate in session(s).

In her latest endeavor, UnF*ck Your Boundaries, she helps guide the reader through self-exploration, questioning, and reflection to help understand boundaries or lack there of.
What I love about this volume, much like her UnF*ck Your Intimacy, it comes with a workbook that I can use as a clinician––which I do!––but I can also suggest it to clients who want do some work on their own, outside of therapy sessions. I feel extremely confident they are in good hands. I know that she walks readers step by step on how to work through issues. So much so, they can come out the other side better for it on all levels.
Who doesn’t love that?

If you or someone you know is struggling with accepting or creating boundaries, this book is for you. It’s a fun read with information you can start using the moment you open the book. The workbook is easy to use and really allows you a space to explore and heal.
**The therapist in me would be terribly upset if I didn’t say this, so… If you begin this journey and feel as though you may need help processing other issues surrounding boundaries, please find a helping professional in your area.**