Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy with Samantha

As a certified sex educator and therapist, I get a lot of questions about being a sex therapist and how it manifests in my private practice. No, I don’t have sex with clients and no it’s not always about the act of sex. There is so much that goes into my work because of the complex relationship we all have with sex and sexuality. So, let’s explore a little more into this therapeutic specialty:

A sex therapist is a mental health therapist who provides systemic and contextual psychotherapy services to individuals, couples, families, or groups of people who are suffering from psychological, medical, or social issues surrounding sexuality, which includes the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions through a therapeutic and educational approach.

Some areas of concern could be, but not limited to:

-Relationship Distress and How to Overcome

-Lack of Desire/Interest

-Arousal Issues

-Premature Ejaculation

-Erectile Dysfunction

-Pain in Sexual Activity

-Anxiety/Panic Disorders surrounding Sex

-Sexual Trauma Healing

-Sex and Relational Education

-Perimenopause/Menopause navigation and symptom management

-Exploration/Self Discovery/Questioning

-Discussion of journey and safety with Gender and Sexuality Minorities including Kink and Fetish interests

-Exploration of systemic oppression and its impact on healthy relationships & sexuality

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As you can see, Sex Therapy encompasses a wide variety of problems. All of these above mentioned issues (and many more) are explored through talk therapy. I believe we can create change together by talking about the issues openly in session as we learn more about your unique situation and you. I will never ask you to do something or discuss anything you’re not comfortable with; we go as slow or as fast as you dictate. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t challenge you from time to time. You need support during your journey and because of this, my number one priority is giving you a safe place to explore and process.

Outside of session, I will sometimes give homework for you to explore at your own pace if the subject lends itself to such exercises. A well rounded picture of the issue helps us get a better sense of the problem and this way we are gathering more insight into what’s going on.

Please note, a certified and ethical sex therapist will never ask to have sex with you or to watch you partake in the act. If you know of this happening please contact your state’s licensing board.

If interested in learning more, I’ve written extensively about different sexual topics and showcased my work at different conferences around the United States. Feel free to search the blog for articles like 10 Ways to be Sex Positive” to get a taste of what it’s like to work with me.

GA License #LMFT001641