Relationships, Feminism, Archives

Strong Women

Strong Women



You walked into your favorite coffee shop. You look around the room to find a woman in a shaggy coat with lines around her mouth. Her eyes are sad and have lost their shine. She doesn’t look up at you or even around her. She’s not aware that you are staring at her wondering about her life. She doesn’t seem to be aware of anything around her. She sits in silence as her coffee gets cold.

But she knows.

She can feel your eyes on her, burning a hole within her core. She can feel every movement going on around her. She saw you come into the room and is keeping a close count of how many people have gone and entered.

She knows.

She is highly aware of every conversation going on around her and feels for them even though she has nothing left for herself. She wishes she could be like the rest- carefree and worried about everyday life. She’s worried he’ll come for her again; that her flesh is no longer her own. Her dreams are no longer her own, but still….

She knows.

She knows what it is to fight. She understands that this will pass. That she can win and she will survive. Her deepest desires are locked away waiting for it to be safe again. She fights because she knows that she is enough. That her new life will create itself and that she will prevail.

She knows.

*If you or a loved on is experiencing domestic violence or sexual assault please contact or Safe Help Line to get assistance. For therapeutic services in your area, please visit: