Therapy, Writing, Archives

Beauty Norms

Beauty Norms Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we know there are strong social ties to who and what is considered beautiful. As a therapist, it is my belief that we are all suffering from some type of body dysmorphia. With the media idolizing the likes of @kimkardashian or any of her… Read More Beauty Norms

Therapy, Sex, Archives

The Epic Fails of Technology and Messy Hosts: Spilling Tea with Samantha and Dr. B

Will there ever be a time where Chris and I don’t mess up a serious video with our crazy personalities? God, I hope not! This is one of my favorite videos we’ve ever done because of how insane it ends up being even though we try really hard to bring you a SERIOUS video. All… Read More The Epic Fails of Technology and Messy Hosts: Spilling Tea with Samantha and Dr. B