Writing, Archives

Beginners Guide to Write: Part 3

About the Author JT Pledger is a novelist, screenwriter and copywriter. When he isn’t sitting at the keyboard, he’s swimming in the Atlantic Ocean or reading, learning new and fascinating things!  Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and blog or seek his services here!

Writing, Archives

A Beginners Guide to Writing: Part 2

About the Author JT Pledger is a novelist, screenwriter and copywriter. When he isn’t sitting at the keyboard, he’s swimming in the Atlantic Ocean or reading, learning new and fascinating things!  Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and blog or seek his services here!

Therapy, Sex, Archives

What is Sex Therapy?

What is Sex Therapy? As a sex therapist I get the question, “What do you do?” A LOT. Too much, actually. So I am here to clear the air and set some records straight! What is it? A mental health therapist who provides systemic and contextual psychotherapy services to individuals, couples, families, or groups of… Read More What is Sex Therapy?

Feminism, Writing, Archives

Strong Female Character Cliches to Avoid (In Writing and Beyond)

Strong Female Character Cliches to Avoid (In Writing and Beyond) By Hannah Bauman  Hannah is the owner of Between the Lines Editorial, a small business that provides indie editing and writing services. To find out more, check out her website at btleditorial.com or email her at hannah@btleditorial.com. Whether you’re writing a short story, a novella,… Read More Strong Female Character Cliches to Avoid (In Writing and Beyond)