What’s In My Bag?
Editor Samantha Heuwagen shows us what’s in her everyday bag! Because feminists can be packrats too!

As a feminist writer I love busting myths about feminism and general stereotypes about women. One of my other favorite things I like to do is watch those lovely Youtube Videos about women’s purses. Who doesn’t love being a creeper and seeing what’s in all those purses and bag women carry around. Something about it tickles the creeper in me which makes me want to watch and watch and watch… It’s a problem but today I’ve decided to open up about what’s in my own bag I carry everyday.
What didn’t think feminists were allowed to carry something with items they need on the daily? Oh yeah we do!
It’s a humble little item with humble products. This post is not sponsored and I haven’t sold my soul to the devil to be sent anything that is featured. Let’s get started!

The Break Down:
Planner– Where did I get it? No idea. It was a gift from a dear friend. I use it everyday and it holds my life. Life as a therapist, student, writer, life partner, etc. is hard to keep it all straight!
Wallet– This is a recent purchase from Nordstrom. It was on sale and trust me, it was an excellent choice! It holds everything! All my cards, money, and personal business cards in one place–– it even has enough room for my copy of my marriage certificate, which if you’ve ever dealt with crazy, stupid people is a must! Check out their website, too. You won’t be sorry. Go with your feminist bad-self!
Business Cards and Pens– This is really self-explanatory and if I was making a video I would waste five minutes of your life on these items but I wont. If you are self-employed or just want something to help promote what you do I suggest you invest! I have two kinds one for work and one for the blog. Seriously, one of the best things I have ever done for myself!
Keys– You know what those do… Oh and hand sanitizer because it’s gross out there, folks! Gotta try to wash off the patriarchy!

Sun Screen Stick: Walgreens, SPF 30. I don’t just burn, I crisp. It’s needed down here in the Southern sun!
Hairbrush– Standard. Get one for your hair and what works for your life!
Perfume and Hand Lotion– My mother-in-law did GOOD for Christmas. She gifted me the Daisy by Marc Jacobs box set and I couldn’t be happier (and blessed!). Forget being stinky or dry like a prune. Oh and I think the other one is a sample from Juicy Couture (???).
Foundation Cushion– Going back to being burnt crispy, I took a note from the Korean culture and purchased this gem. Has SPF 50, moisturizer, vitamins, the soul of virgins, pheromones–– you name it to help my skin looks flawless like a baby’s butt.
Lips, Cheek, Eyebrows, Nail File– I don’t wear make-up a lot. Maybe a few times a month and if I do it’s everything that’s in my purse: a few pats of the cushion, some lips, and eyebrow gel and I’m off. My skin hates me so I try to avoid anything on my face. But I use Bare Minerals Marvelous Moxie in Game Changer (A LOT) and Rebel when I’m feeling spicy.
What do you think? Are you surprised at any of the choices? Did I miss anything? Tweet me your thoughts @AfeministLife using the hashtag #FeministPurse